Choose Your Own Adventure 2

Aiden, Will, and Raegan taking a water break on the steps.

For my secondĀ Choose Your Own Adventure video, I made it while spending Easter on the farm in Amherst. This video was a project for my video editing class as a junior. I faced a lot of challenges when dealing with this project. Initially, I struggled to make a decision on what I should make the video about. I finally landed on trying to do some filming while on the farm in Amherst for easter. I filmed farm animals, driving shots, kids playing, and even some clips of sunrise service. When I began editing I couldn’t seem to find a way in which I could work all of these clips into one smooth video. I began the idea of not trying to do such a thing. I made one video of the kids playing and a separate video of the animals. For these reasons I took the video in the direction of only the kids.

I am probably proudest of some of the shots that I was able to get. I found that it can be difficult to try and film kids. I liked some of the clips I was able to get. On the other hand, there were many things that I found myself struggling with. As I mentioned, I struggled to decide what I wanted to do.

If I were to do this again, I would try to get more of a vision for the video going into it. With an idea of what I wanted the final project to be, I could have been more intentional with shots. I also0 would have liked to focus more time on editing my sh9ots. Some of them were too long and needed to be cut down.


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